There is another value system God's people adopt when they become children of God. They are values that go against the grain often in culture. They are often diabolically opposed to the things today's popular culture values.
(1) The Kingdom values generosity where as the world values greed.
(2) The Kingdom values love whereas the world values lust.
(2) The Kingdom values selflessness whereas the world values selfishness.
(4) Ect.
Living out kingdom values often feels like you are swimming up stream. Everything else is saying go this way when God says go the opposite way. It's those moments when you are swimming up stream that your life has the greatest impact. Sometimes the impact might not be taken as positively. But its not our job to determine how people will interrupt our actions. It's our job to live out the kingdom values wherever we are.
Don't miss an opportunity to represent Kingdom values. You never know when someone is looking for God in the way you act.