Friday, February 5, 2010

The Discipleship Dare Day #35 - Dream to Destiny

Words speak life or death into any situation. I pledge to use words of life in every and any situation even when the other parties are use words of death. Life-giving words inspire people to turn their dreams into their destiny. I can remember it like yesterday. I was with my mentor as an undergraduate student. He was a professor and church planter at the time. At the time, I was an inspiring church planter yet was extremely wet behind the ears.

As my mentor and myself were exiting our session together, we ran into one of the big shots in the denomination we are affiliated with. He did not introduce me as a student but as a church planter. It was the first time anyone even introduced me as a church planter. I was motivated like never before to chase my dream to become a church planter. His words catapulted me into church planting, one of the most riskiest ventures in the church world.

There has been people every step of the way that have believed in me for the impossible. Every person needs people that breathe life into their callings in life. Do not live another day without hunting down someone that believes in what you dream to do. It takes dream releasers to turn your dream into your destiny.

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