Sunday, January 31, 2010
The Discipleship Dare Day #31 - Share the Last 10%
Few things have changed my life like sharing the last 10% with my peers. It keeps me honest. Who is keeping you honest? Don't live another day without sharing the last 10% with people you trust.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
The Discipleship Dare Day #30 - Words Matter
I have been given a great responsibility to steward words. It's not something to take lightly. I want to be remembered as someone that spoke more words of encouragement than discouragement, more words of love than hate, more words of life than death.
I don't get it right all the time. It's obvious. Just ask my wife. But I do try to raise the bar by speaking as many words of life as I can. It's one of my life goals to speak as much as I can to help as many I as can be encouraged.
I hate going to bed without encouraging someone with words to live beyond themselves. How about you?
Remember, always speak life not death and the world will be a better place.
Check out The Discipelship Dare website @
Check out The Discipleship Dare website @
The Discipleship Dare Day #29 - Full Time Living
I am all in. Are you?
I know I don't get it right all the time. Who does? But I am completely embedded into Jesus' discipleship making process. It has changed my life and continues to shape me as I invest myself into the work of the ministry--into the lives of people, the community and the world.
Most of the greatest joy I experience in life is pointing people to God with my attitude, my actions, my character, my words and my work. How about you?
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The Discipleship Dare Day #28 - It's Up to God!
The process itself has taught me how much more of God I need. It's his presence that He promises that makes all the difference as I walk with others into a relationship with God. I need his presence to show me what to say, when to say and how to say it as much as the person on the other end needs his presence to receive what I am saying, and live it out. It's up to God and God alone to turn a sinner into a saint. I am hope my life helps others fit the pieces of the puzzle together in such a way when they see it all together. It's God they see, not me.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
The Discipleship Dare Day #27 - Next Generation
That thought scares me. I am committed to teaching the next generation the faith regardless how messy some one's life might be. It's the messy lives that clean up the best and end up shining the brightest.
My life was the messiest any one's can be and someone invested in me when most counted me a lost cause. For that I am friendly to the messiest situations. I want to teach people that most have counted out the teachings of Jesus.
Today I met with someone that fits the bill. His life is a mess, but I am hopeful that he will clean up and become one of the brightest lights in his sphere of influence. I will never forget the hope in his parents eyes when I volunteered to help clean up this mess.
Who have you showed hope to?
"Lord help your people see the potential in people that have messed up and need someone to instruct them based on your precepts how to climb the mountain or dig themselves out of a hole. God use me if no one else will do it."
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
The Discipleship Dare Day #26 - Love Until It Hurts
Am I making the people around me better? Am I making a sacrifice that costs me something for the people I am in community with? How about you?
A sacrifice is not a sacrifice unless it costs you something. I want to live a life of making great sacrifice for the people around me to help them be better. I want to help singers sing, parents parent, employees work, counselors counsel and on. I want to meet people where they are at in life and help them do their best. I am paying for opportunities to make the world around me better. How about you?
The world will not change for the better unless we make sacrifices for the right reasons. What can you sacrifice for someone to help make their life better, help make them succeed and prosper? Figure that out and do it a 100 times and watch the world change around you. I am going to try.
Monday, January 25, 2010
The Discipleship Dare Day #25 - Reckless Abandonment
When we publicly profess we are a Christian, God's reputation is on the line. His reputation is only as strong as your walk with God. If you have not checked your bags at the door and continue to live in sin and in ungodly ways, others will not see the power of God. There's no reason for the world to follow Christ, if they cannot see Christ in you.
Christ did not hold onto anything that would hinder Him from completing God's mission on earth, so why are you?
To live a baptized life is to recklessness abandon anything that would compromise Gods mission--sinful behaviors, ungodly lifestyle choices, and anything else contrary to God's standards.
The Discipleship Dare Day #24 - One
I want to make the best disciples in the world. That's a huge goal. But when eternity is at stake I think its a realistic goal.
I don't know of any other process that helps people live the best life possible while on earth. We are the link that connects people to this life. If we don't do it, who will? I think I need to re-prioritize my schedule and make more and better disciples. How about you?
I want to do the ONE thing Jesus commanded--to make disciples--better than I do anything else in life.
Lord, help me stay laser focused on your mission in the middle of the hustle and bustle of life. Lead me into relationships and situations where discipleship is the answer. Help me to capitalize on the opportunity. To you be all the glory."
Saturday, January 23, 2010
The Discipleship Dare Day #23 - Executive Rights
I am not sure I get this. I understand it, but I don't maximize and leverage it in the relationships I am investing my life in most of the time. I like to hope I am more but the reality is I am not as much as I should be.
This power allows us to have faith not fear when we invite others into disciple making relationships. This includes inviting our friends and family to church. Church is an important part of a discipling relationship. It's not the only part.
"Lord, I pray for grace to overshadow me as I leverage your executive rights and invite someone into a disciple making relationship. If that's inviting them to church, keeping them accountable or whatever else. I pray for you to guide me into a relationship."
The Discipleship Dare Day #22 - Give It Your Best
I want to be the best lifestyle worshiper of God I can be. Because the Lord knows I can't sing! Every action, every thought, every spoken word, everything read, everything watched and everything else plays a song to God.
I have to confess some days I sound better than others. Some days I probably song like a broken record as I fumble through life making mistakes, but then their are days when I am firing on all cylinders. Those are the days I make sweet music.
Lord, may I have more days where I make sweet music than days I sound like a broken record. My desire is to worship you every fiber of my being everyone nano second of my life. I want to give you my best not my junk."
Friday, January 22, 2010
Guest Blogger: Jess Bousa "The Discipleship Dare"
I appeared as a guest blogger on my friend, Jerry Ireland's blog. He is a missionary to Africa. Check out what he said:
My friend Jess Bousa (he and I, were in Teen Challenge together, and were room mates at Valley Forge Christian College) has written a book called the Discipleship Dare. Like Jess, I am convinced that discipleship––genuine discipleship, is perhaps the greatest need in the Church today. Many thousands of college students, in American and around the world leave the Christian faith every year, not because the arguments against Christianity are better than those for it, but because Christianity has never really become their faith. We hope to one day use this book as a resource in Zambia for youth discipleship. Check out the link for the The Discipleship Dare below, and consider if this might be helpful to you, your church, or someone you know. God bless you as you follow Christ.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
The Discipleship Dare Day #21 - Manure of the Earth
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The Discipleship Dare Day #20 - Invisible Trophy Shelf
I have a hard time earning trophies for my invisible shelf in Heaven and an easier time filling up my visible shelf on earth. Working for tangible awards is addictive whereas working for crowns of righteousness that are not on the shelf in my apartment are less habit forming.
I tend to work hard to impress people. God's not pleased by the amount of people that I impress but by the impression I leave on people for the Gospel. It's times to flip the switch and work to please God and fill my invisible trophy case in Heaven.
Don't live another day without filling your invisible trophy case in Heaven.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The Discipleship Dare Day #19 - Increase Visibility
Monday, January 18, 2010
The Discipleship Dare Day #18 - Everyone's Watching
Sunday, January 17, 2010
The Discipleship Dare Day #17 - Fight For Peace
I find it hard to clean up a messy relationship when the other party does not want to make peace. It takes some relationships longer than others to get back on track. It's the test of time that wins the day. Is there a relationship that only you can make right? Don't live another day without fighting for peace in all directions: God, self, others, and world.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
The Discipleship Dare Day #16 - By the Rules
I believe that God has designed His people to be "Integrity Evangelists" for his way of life. The problem is that His people have failed to live up to high moral standards. This has led to the distribution of a brand of Christianity that does not line up with Jesus' life. His way of life is the abuntant life. No one has really lived until they experience God's way of life. But how come many people are not interested in a lifestyle he died for?
One of the reasons is a lack of integrity in culture by people that call themselves Christians. Integrity is the bi-product of following God's rule for life. I prefer to live by the rules then to play the fence. When living by the rules, the gray areas are minimum. Life by the rules will prevent failures. I am commited to finishing the race without failure. I am committed to living the life of integrity, regardless how counter-cultural it might be.
The stakes are too high to lose the integrity battle. Would you partner with me as I wage war on a culture that lacks integrity? Make it your life goal as it is mine.
Friday, January 15, 2010
The Discipleship Dare Day #15 - Entering into Pain
I have learned a great lesson by studying the life of Jesus. He was not consumed with himself, but with relieving the pain of others. He was famous for showing mercy. What am I famous for? What are you famous for? Few things amount to the greatness of living like Jesus in this particular area. Jesus changed the world on act of mercy at a time.
If I were to die today, I hope I would be remembered for going the extra mile for people. What do you want to be remembered for? Whatever it is don't live another day without doing it.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
The Discipleship Dare Day #14 - Only God
Only God satisfies the hunger for more. The human heart is designed to hunger and thirst for more, but its what we hunger and thirst for that defines who we are. I am hungry for more of God today. I am a little more hungrier for God today than I was yesterday, but not as hungry as I will be tomorrow.
"Lord, satisfy the hunger for more in my soul today like never before. Let it set me on fire so that others would come from miles around to see me burn for you."
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The Discipleship Dare Day #13 - Set Things Right
I tend to find satisfaction in other things like self. I can be self absorbed at times. The call of a disciple is to be selfless and to seek God. He is the only self to be absorbed by. When we seek God, we seek his righteousness.
Few people are committed to setting things right in sync with God's plans and purposes on this earth. Are you? Are you living to set things right in your family, neighborhood, and community? I have learned that the only person that can come before you setting things right in your world is you. God is on our side, cheering us on. He designed us to set things right in our worlds. Would you consider today setting things right? I have.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The Discipleship Dare Day #12 - Keep Your Cool
Keeping your cool often wins the argument. I prefer to lose a disagreement but not lose my cool than to win the argument but lose my cool. I do not want to force anything that God has not ordained for me to possess. I want him to pay out my inheritance not me take it by force. If I have to take it, then it most likely will not have the blessing and favor of God.
The inheritance I tend to force is God's future plans for my life and family. I know what he wants me to do yet the timing is always not clear. My prayer is that I exercise control with others and wait on the Lord's timing as I pursue his plans for my life.
Have you given up the right to be right? Are you waiting for God to give you your inheritance or are you taking it by force?
Keep your cool.
Monday, January 11, 2010
The Discipleship Dare Day #11 - Fall Forward
Am I showing genuine hope to the world from a dependence on something larger than myself--God? Or am I showing an artificial hope to the world from a dependence on myself?
My life goal is to be a person that falls forward, not falls away from difficult situations. There is also a hurting person at the end of a difficult situation. What if every Christ follower was there to be hopeful when others were morning loss? I am in, are you?
Sunday, January 10, 2010
The Discipleship Dare Day #10 - Kingdom Now
It takes a person of godly character to usher in God's Kingdom. Is the way I am living ushering in the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of this world? A person of worldly character advances the worldly kingdom which is diabolically opposed to God's Kingdom, but a person of godly character pushes back the darkness and advances God's kingdom prerogatives in this world.
Are the people at my workplace influenced by the values of the Kingdom of God or the kingdom of this world? I am not going to waste another day living out the values of the worldly kingdom. The Kingdom of God is now. It is not only later. It is a present reality. I want to spend all my days promoting God's Kingdom values wherever I am, would you join me?
Saturday, January 9, 2010
The Discipleship Dare Day #9 - Bigger Is Not Better
What is your temple? What is your sacrificial system? What do you rely on other than God? Is it your spiritual disciplines? Is it the ministry you lead? There is nothing inherently wrong with spiritual disciplines or leading a ministry. Problems arise when those things become the end. They are a means to an end. The end we seek is God, the God of the spiritual disciplines, the God of the ministry. Bigger is not better in God's economy. The more spiritual accomplishments will not make you more important to God. Better is better in God's economy. He is looking for quality, not quantity. To be "poor in spirit" is to live the blessed life, a life broken before God and others. It takes humility to live the blessed life. Humility is the door. Come on in.
Friday, January 8, 2010
The Discipleship Dare Day #8 - Character Evangelism
Character might not take you to the top, but it will sure keep you there. It is one of those things far and few between in today's culture. It is often not fashionable or in style in today's culture, but necessary in God's economy. It is my life work to stand before God one day as a person that lived my days on the earth with godly character.
Character is a community issues. It is formed in community and reinforced by the community you associate with. Your community is like an elevator. It will either bring you up or down. Embrace the Christian community as a means to an end. The end is to influence the ungodly community with godly character. Some of the most powerful evangelism is done by modeling godly character. Be a character evangelist not only a verbal evangelist.
"Lord, I pray for the grace to embody the character traits of Jesus and the courage to live them out in today's culture."
Thursday, January 7, 2010
The Discipleship Dare Day #7 – Everything Teaches
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The Discipleship Dare Day #6 – Care First
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
The Discipleship Dare Day #5 – Love is a Discipline
This is one of the hardest sayings of Jesus for me. It’s not natural to love God first. It’s easy for me to pledge my allegiance to everything and anything else other than God.
Knockout Entrepreneur by George Foreman (Book Review)
George Foreman delivers a knockout punch with his book, Knockout Entrepreneur. From boxing to business, he share’s the lessons he learned the hard way and the Foreman way. He has rose above the masses not only as a powerhouse boxer but also as a successful entrepreneur by living his life in the framework of The Good Book (or the Bible).
- Jess Bousa, the author of The Discipleship Dare @